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Know Me More

Hey, I see you made it to my blog. I can assure you that you won't regret this. So my name literally means "Mercy" so wherever you are from, call me whatever you like. I am still in school  *sucks I know, I wonder when I'm going to leave this hellhole*. Reading is my passion and I also hate eBooks. I prefer physical copies that I can touch and smell and feel my tears wet the pages. I also really love music, TV series, food *even tho I'm so underweight* and animals. I'm also a huge introvert, I don't leave the house even if we're on vacation.

There's nothing about me that's so special. I can't sing, I can't draw, I don't play sports that's why I began reading. Books and fictional universes always gave me a reason to exist, it's the reason I don't always feel like I'm alone.

I would love to hear your recommendations on books or reviews you want me to make. I'll also be posting music recommendations, random thoughts that come to me in the middle of the night on a school day & snippets from the book I hope one day to write. Enjoy your stay.

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